Latest news in the world of Judo within the Yorkshire and Humberside area.
Have some interesting news from your club? Let us know and we'll share it here.
On Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th July, Yorkshire & Humberside Judo took across a team to take part in the International Judo Tournament in the Glaspalast Stadium, Sindelfingen, Germany. This event had over 2000 competitors from over 19 nations. The tournament is set over an impressive 9 mat areas, and most weight categories contain over 20 players.
The Bahari judo club has been using judo mats that belong to the Zanzibar judo association. After 3 years and the club getting established, the association has asked for the mats back, leaving the club matless.
This is where you come in!
The Bahari club is reaching out to the international judo community for help in securing funding to purchase a set of mats owned by the club.
Abdul, coach of the club, has been active in the area for a while now. Including as a coach at the Judo Excellence club.
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