Latest news in the world of Judo within the Yorkshire and Humberside area.
Have some interesting news from your club? Let us know and we'll share it here.
With the previous webhost leaving the hosting business, we had to find a new host for our website.
In the process of migrating to the new server it quickly became apparent that the code that was driving the site wasn't compatible with the new server configuration. Rather than battle with unending issues the decision was made that it would probably be faster to start again. Hence this site.
At the moment there is A LOT of data missing from the old site. Hopefully I'll be able to migrate most of the data across, at least the latest stuff.
Y & H Judo Webmonkey
Would you be interested in becoming qualified as a competition table official (time keeper/recorder etc)? Get in touch via the contact page so we can get an idea of interest levels. Ask around at your club, get a few of you together to help not just your club/area but also friends.
Hillsborough Judo Club have been awarded £8,309.00 after a successful small grants bid from Sport England.
The clubs coaches have gave the following statement;
"We are all absolutely delighted that our efforts have been rewarded with this important milestone of our long term game plan. This is an early Christmas present for our club, and we still have not finished the year off yet as our Bronze award is now ready for submitting for renewal.
With a new Judo mat on the funding list this means Hillsborough JC can now introduce two extra days of Judo into the week complimenting our usual Friday night training schedule. We all wanted to get the Sunday morning training back which a lot of senior Judo players enjoyed sometime ago, we now can do this alongside a new Kano class to be run for 5-8 year olds.
The strength and numbers of different levels of coaches will be second to none, the funding has helped to achieve this important factor of our game plan, we have also offered to the Y+H area 4 off table officials and 1 off referee for training to strengthen the areas team after an announcement of the lack of new blood coming into these roles. The award will also increase our equipment with extra safety mats, and grappling dummies which the Juniors cannot wait to get their hands on.
Looking ahead to 2012 we already have our sights on another project which could result in more funding of an equivalent value, we do not want to miss any opportunity especially when the Olympics are upon us"
Please look out for the new training times to be announced in the new year!