Latest news in the world of Judo within the Yorkshire and Humberside area.
Have some interesting news from your club? Let us know and we'll share it here.
Their new venue is:
Concord Sports Centre
Shiregreen Lane
S5 6AE
Training times remain as before.
The ranking event scheduled for 21st June is going to be rescheduled.
This is down to the national ref seminar being on the same day meaning a lack of ref availability.
We're hoping to sort a date in late September or early October - watch this space!
The British Judo Association is looking for volunteers to serve as Investigators for the BJA's Conduct and Complaints Commission. The Commission is also looking to appoint the Chair.
The Commission was set up 13 years ago and has overall responsibility to investigate and resolve complaints and conduct issues that are reported. Wherever possible, Investigators actively seek to mediate to provide solutions, however, some issues will be required to be taken forward to disciplinary action.
In the role you will be assigned a small number of cases, ie, one or two per year. You may also be asked to serve on adjudication panels to review other investigated cases.
The role is voluntary although expenses will be covered.
Applicants should have appropriate skills and experience to be able to investigate and report on issues accurately and thoroughly and have good mediation skills.
For further information regarding the role, please contact Keith Eldridge: 07788 391520
Expressions of interest, detailing relevant skills and experience, together with a brief CV should be sent to:
Sally Hurman
British Judo Association
Suite B, Technology Centre
Epinal Way
LE11 3GE
Closing date: Midday on Friday, 20 March 2015